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The Attributes of God
A word about this article. As Christians we have the tendency to speak about God, to see things under God’s sovereignty and to contemplate our life and our surroundings through the hue of Scripture. Or perhaps this is one of the minute things that Christ brings to the life of a Christian. Understanding God permit us to speak about God with sound reflections and with solid foundations. The more we know of Him the better equipped we are to express concepts and to convey to others knowledge that will ultimate transform the life of those listening to us. In reality we all are theologians; we all utter expressions about God, about Angels, about Demons, about Sinning and many other subjects pertaining to the field of Theology. The important issue here is to make sure we are good theologians, that we do not venture “Tabloid Theology”. I am referring to those popular four columns new papers we all see at the counter in super markets exhibiting sensationalist pictures announcing totally unbelievable facts. For example, a group of extraterrestrial small green people leaving the White House along a gigantic title that reads: The White House knows about them! We need to make sure that what we express about God, about Christ, about Scripture and any of the many subjects pertaining to God’s Word is not as unrefined, as untrue as the statement I offer you in the previous paragraph. How many times we hear expressions such as the following? Satan will intercept your prayers if you do not change!  I am sure my brother is in heaven! If you fast, God will forgive your sins! Within the realm of God’s Word, these statements are as untrue as the one about the White House receiving extraterrestrial humanoids to converse with officials of the US Government.   As we study scripture and the more we serve God, the more we know about Him, however, we ought to embrace in a formal study of Theology to comprehend in a much deeper way the nature of God and all other components of the spiritual world we face in the daily basis. To initiate this path, I am offering you a series of articles, seventeen in total, covering the Attributes of God. Yes, we have recognized that God has seventeen attributes and here they are one at a time. Please take your time to go through each one of them, bring your bibles to the table and checkout every one of the scripture verses I am giving you in each case. It truly takes time and reading. I hope this changes the way you understand God and that this small sample of knowledge impacts your appreciation of the wonderful and almighty God we serve. I will add more about Theology in a more systematic approach in future articles. Thank you, The Attributes of God are: THE SOLITARINESS OF GOD THE DECREES OF GOD THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD THE FOREKNOWLEDGE OF GOD THE SUPREMACY OF GOD THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD THE IMMUTABILITY OF GOD THE HOLINESS OF GOD THE POWER OF GOD THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD THE GOODNESS OF GOD THE PATIENCE OF GOD THE GRACE OF GOD THE MERCY OF GOD THE LOVE OF GOD THE WRATH OF GOD THE CONTEMPLATION OF GOD
July 13 2017