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Reasons For This Website To explain in plain language what God is telling us through Scripture without biased interpretation or misleading bias. Because of the arrogance of men, the teaching of the Scriptures finds its basis in corrupt principles and commercial intentions. We must return to basics, corruption-free reading and understanding of God's Word. From The Author For a long time, I desired to combat false teachings now in fashion across the Christian communities of the land. The sincere and honest Scripture reading, and understanding are eclipsed by the economic interests of the hundreds of denominations and by the personal dishonesty of their masters. Churches are now either a friendly-user Sunday musical experience or a family-run business centered on marketing principles to attract the masses to reach commercial and economic gains. The Secrets of Scripture The only secret about the Bible is that there are no secrets at all. Reading, researching, and understanding are the foundation of Scripture understanding. In it, we found the knowledge, the wisdom, and the faith to live a productive and harmonious life under the guidance of God Almighty. Bible reading and understanding takes time, discipline, and perseverance. In academics, we find a plethora of educational material for one to become well educated in a diverse number of areas. Regarding biology, for example, one finds a series of books offering information on a given subject in chapters. Mastering a section, one becomes well versed in that specific area. In the case of the Bible, information about a given matter is not found in one or two chapters but across several books, and, within each book, it may be a single verse or several verses. In addition, one needs to pay attention to the language and the history surrounding the central image under study. We must understand that the bible is not a book of text, but a book of context. Taking verses out of their context guarantees a false meaning and a distortion of the Word. One isolated verse taken out of its context, may have a completely different meaning and a dissimilar value. As you mature in the Scripture, you’ll find passages offering a junction between offering interpretations of a symbol. In general, you will have two main routes to follow. Either you read a symbol literally or Literalistically. Take for example, the book of Daniel, chapter 11. (One that has been labeled difficult and controversial). Daniel 11:40 “And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over. This passage is about the end times. It is the end of history. Human history as we know it. In this passage, the king of the south (a figure subject to a great deal of speculation today) attacks the king of the north (another figure surrounded by a great deal of discussion) with chariots, horsemen, and ships. Here you have three things: chariots, people on horses, and ships. This particular passage prophesies the future time of the time of Daniel and uses symbols to describe how is that the king of the south will attack the king of the north. When Daniel wrote this passage, he did not know of any weaponry of future times. He knew chariots and people on horses and ships. Here you have your crossroads situation. Do you take this literally? If this battle were taking place today, would you say chariots are tanks? And horsemen are today’s army soldiers in Humvee transport units? And would you say that ships are Airplane carriers, and destroyers and submarines? Or, do you take this Literalistically? The king of the south will bring chariots, people on horses, and ships? If this is your understanding, then the passage is describing a scene of a world without tanks, no humvees, and no destroyers. Now, due to our present technological development, a scene such as this one would need to be after the destruction of our present civilization. It will be a place without the complexity of our technology, a much simpler world. Do you see the difference between literal and Literalistically? Scripture includes many symbols used by the human authors of the text. God is the author of the entire compendium of books, the Bible, however, each individual along the centuries described events bringing to the text the language and the tools of the day. It is our responsibility to see these many situations and passages of Scripture to understand the message as close as the author wanted us to understand it. You will find several messages as you read the same verses over again. It is a wonderful experience and one that brings a special joy to your Bible study experience. One thing you and I will never achieve is a complete understanding of the hundreds of questions we all have, from Genesis to Revelation. The walk of FAITH is precisely that, not having all answers and yet believing in the Word. If we have all the answers, why do we need faith? If in your walk through life, you find someone with all the knowledge and all the explanations, run to the mountain! That one is a FALSE teacher! Finally, a reflection that may impact the way you and I go through life. In Daniel chapter 12 (the end of the book), Daniel asked God for an explanation of the prophecy he received from God. He did not understand it. Sometimes this is me when reading some passages of Scripture. God said to Daniel something like this: “Daniel, this is not for you to understand.” Not understanding this is not a matter at all. Finally, God says to Daniel something like “Go with your life Daniel, to the end of it and die. But dying is not the end because you will weak up at the end of time Yes, there are hundreds of questions without answers, things we would like to know, understanding we look and research for. One truth we know: We will die, but death is not the end because, at the end-of-time, we will wake up and celebrate life or something else depending on how we live! Would this fact change something?
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Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.